Unabandoned Heart: Life After a Change of Heart

“After a long battle with heart disease culminating in a heart transplant for my wife, we needed to transition from a community medical blog to our own website. We needed something unique to our situation, showcasing our post-transplant travels and continuing medical journey, so we sought help. Josh with Tekton came through, making our vision come to life. We can now share our travels and communicate complicated medical updates much more clearly to our ever-growing followers. This wouldn’t have been possible without the expertise of everyone at Tekton. Not only did they build our website, but they have helped us maintain and grow as we needed changes. Unabandoned Heart wouldn’t be the same without their help.” –Barkley Simmons

In Barkley and Amanda’s case, we wanted to give them the heart right out of our chest, but we couldn’t; we could, however, provide them with a platform that is uniquely theirs to share their new heart with the world. This website, built by Tekton, is more than just a website; it “… symbolizes the rebirth of life on the other side of a change of heart.

“I’d be remiss if I didn’t say what brought us through these trying times. Besides our love and faith in each other, it is our love and faith in the amazing God we serve. Not to say we haven’t questioned why us, why such hardship. Watching what we’ve been through produce good, even amid heartache, lets us see God working in and through us. That doesn’t come easy to see; I don’t suppose we are wired that way. When you take time to step back and see more than the heartache, more than the turmoil of everyday life, you get to see God at work in it all.” –Unabandoned Heart 

In a seemingly desolate place, there can be something beautiful waiting to be discovered. With patience and a deeper look, we often uncover unexpected hope like a well in a desert.

How we share our testimony and commune with others has vastly evolved. Our stories are no longer just shared in books, letters, or by word of mouth. We now have the ability to connect with people whom we may have never crossed paths with and share in each other’s joys and tears. This is a part of the dream God has given me. Our mission at Tekton is to connect God’s people digitally. We want to share in community; the fruits of the Spirit, the trials of this world, and the gifts God gave us.

Sometimes, It’s easy to get lost in the mundane day-to-day demands of work life. We often need a reminder of the mission we set out to accomplish with the dreams and gifts God gave us. Sometimes, we do not see the fruits of our labor, until God lifts us up and shows us the simple gifts we have been able to share with those who sometimes need it most. He teaches us that the well is not something to always draw water from: it is something to pour into as well.

Last year, Amanda’s body rejected her new heart in late December. So we invite you to pour into the well with us by supporting Barkley and Amanda in your prayers, leaving a kind message of encouragement, donating, or taking your first steps towards the mission God has called you to live.

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

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